- Welcome to the Burgess Lab!
- Welcome to the Burgess Lab!
- Welcome to the Burgess Lab!
- Welcome to the Burgess Lab!
- Welcome to the Burgess Lab!
- Welcome to the Burgess Lab!
- Welcome to the Burgess Lab!
Dr. Diane J. Burgess
Phone: | (860) 486-3760 |
E-mail: | d.burgess@uconn.edu |
Address: | 69 N Eagleville Rd U3092 Storrs, CT 06269 |
Lab News
- Congrats Dr. Ruifeng Wang on a successful PhD defense!
- Our lab's novel adaptor based dissolution method was licensed by Pion Inc!
- AAPS-UConn Student Chapter elections were conducted and Luke Burroughs was elected President-Elect, Saurabh Bhorkade was elected Vice President, Ashwin Abhang was elected GSS representative, and Mckenzie Roy was elected as secretary.
- Welcome Saurabh Badole to the lab!
- Nilesh Malavia received the top poster award at CRS 2024!
- Dr. Burgess received the 2024 David J. W. Grant NIPTE Distinguished Scholar in Basic Pharmaceutics.
- Dr. Burgess was inducted into the National Academy of Inventors.
- Nilesh Malavia received 1st place for academic research awards at the 2024 AAPS NERDG conference.
- Owen Kwok received the 2024 OUR supply award.
- Ruifeng Wang received the summer 2024 Gerald J. Jackson Memorial Fund fellowship.
- Mckenzie Roy and Luke Burroughs received the summer 2024 R.E. Singiser Memorial Fellowship.
- Congrats Dr. Suraj Fanse on a successful PhD defense!
- Our lab received a $1 million dollar grant award from the NIH and FDA for the project: Impact of API CQAs on In Situ Forming Implants and Understanding In Vivo and In Vitro Performance Differences!
- Ruifeng Wang was the recipient of the IPEC Outstanding Graduate Student Award 2023 awarded by the International Pharmaceutical Excipient Council IPEC-America
- Nilesh Malavia was elected President of the AAPS-UConn Student Chapter, Luke Burroughs was elected Vice President, and Saurabh Bhorkade was elected as secretary.
- Welcome Pawan and Ashwin to the lab!
- Nilesh Malavia has received the Best Poster Award at the CRS 2023 Annual Meeting & Exposition with “Fabrication of a Novel Adapter for in vitro release testing and IVIVC development of long-acting injectable suspensions.”
- Dr. Burgess was the recipient of the 2023 Alice E. Till Advancement of Women in Pharmaceutical Sciences Recognition. This award celebrates and honors Dr. Burgess’ efforts in mentoring, advancing, and supporting women in the pharmaceutical sciences.
- Suraj Fanse was the recipient of the AAPS Best Abstract Award, UConn Edward Victor Gant Scholarship Award and the Richardson-Vick/A. Francis Summa Memorial Fund in 2023.
- McKenzie Roy was the recipient of the UConn School of Pharmacy: Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award and R.E. Singiser Memorial Fellowship in 2023.
- Luke Burroughs was the recipient of the AAPS Best Abstract Award, AAPS Travel Award, and R.E. Singiser Memorial Fellowship in 2023.
- Kellen Maurus received the OUR supply award.
- Dr. Xiaoyi Wang and Dr. Burgess license long-acting injectable in situ forming biodegradable implant to ForDoz Pharma in December 2022.
- Congrats Dr. Bo Wan on a successful PhD defense!
- Suraj Fanse was the recipient of the IPEC Outstanding Graduate Student Award 2022 awarded by the International Pharmaceutical Excipient Council IPEC-America, Best Research Poster Award at the Controlled Release Society CRS 2022 annual conference, and the Best Poster Award at the AAPS-NERDG 2022.